If my tell-all Isagenix thing didn't make you lose all respect, this one just might because though I really tried to do this when everything was clean, I gave up and just did it. So you see me, and my home, in all it's loveliness. Sandra tagged me for this one, and I found it a lot of fun to see hers, so I'm giving it a whirl.
1. My Kitchen sink:
That big brown spot is from when I was burning some butter and so I, brilliantly, poured it down the sink and it burned my sink. I've bleached, scrubbed, sanded it and it refuses to let me off the hook. I know, not everyone is blessed with such intelligence. It's a rare gift. I thought it was cute that both Sandra and I have cutsy bottles for our dish soap. Great minds think alike--I mean no disrespect to Sandra in that, I swear.
2. Inside my Fridge:
Sandra and I both also have milkmen; I'm completely ruined when it comes to milk because I get mine from a dairy. Total milk snob, that's me. As you can see I have a lot of leftover and I like Tupperware. My mother used to use old sour cream containers, made me nuts when I was actually looking for sour cream and coudln't find any even though we had eight containers in the fridge.
3. My Favorite Shoes:
This was easy, it's my Dansko clogs. My sister raved about them for years before I finally wore her pair for a day. I fell head over heels (no pun intended) in love with them and wear them a lot. Now that it's summer, I don't so much cause they look funny with my skinny ankles, but with long pants this will be my shoe most of the time. I bought them with my first Deseret Book Royalty check Love em!
4. My Cl
It's long, but narrow. See that bowling ball on the floor at the end, yeah, if only you were lucky enough to have won an 18 pound undrilled bowling ball replica of the very ball that won the 2006 bowling national championship. You wish!
5. The Laundry Pile:
The pile in the lower left hand corner of the photo is actually clean laundry and it hasn't been there 24 hours yet so we're good! The basket holds socks, which I need to pair together via a movie this afternoon. We go out of town on Thursday so I've been getting lots of wash done. I really like my laundry room and I don't really mind doing laundry either. I hang everything that requires shoulders. Only pants, shorts, underwear, and PJs go in drawers, so I hang as I sort, then we don't have wrinkled shirts and I don't have to fold as much stuff. Takes lots of hangers though.
6. What my kids are doing right now:
#4--playing with the new puppy. (did I not mention we got a new puppy? More on that in another blog--basically we're nuts) And no, that's not blood on him, it's paint. We like to paint our livestock, it's kind of a hazing thing.
#3--Watching Spongebob
#2 & #1 painting the playhouse. The one on the ground is actually not mine, she's a freind that somehow got suckered into helping, and #1 is actually inside the playhouse but I didn't have time to wait around for a posed shot.
7. My Favorite R
I wish I said my study, or my living room with the LaZboy, but my favorite room really is my kitchen. I love to cook, I love the way my kitchen is set up. It's big, it's open, and I love the way it looks out into the backyard and yet still lets me watch TV. I prefer it when it's a little cleaner than this, but still.
8. My Most Recent Purchase:
I'm assuming it's supposed to be something I bought for myself? If so, it's these running shoes. They have pink on them and do not at all match my cute running outfit that I bought because it matched my old shoes. So sad. But they are comfy and I don't have to wear my inserts, which is awesome. I do have a jacket that matches them--thank goodness. So if I had to go anywhere with them on I could make it work. I have a thing about matching my shoes to my shirt, and yet I really don't like owning a lot of shoes, it makes me feel wasteful. It's why I don't get very creative with the colors I wear--or at least it's one reason.
9. My Fantasy Vacation:

This is an easy one, and I'm lucky enough to have already been and get to go again. My husband and I absolutely adore Costa Rica. We've been able to go a few times and at the end of the week we're taking all four of our kids. I hope I still like it with kids in tow. If you've read much of my blog you already know this about me.
10. Self-portrait:

Did I mention you should be afraid. Really, it's summer, I haven't even thought about make-up today and I usually keep my hair pulled way up on my head so I don't get hot until I have to do it for the day--which I don't think I have to do at all today. But anyway, it is what it is.
And I'm gunna tag, Karlene and Stephanie Humphries. Can't wait to see what you got, girls.
I have the exact same shoe matching shirt issue. I own about five pairs of shoes so it limits my fashion choices just the weest bit.
Fab photo tour! Love the honesty of it!
I will do this, but it will be next week sometime. Still wrapping up the trip posts and I've got a Reading Challenge to launch and then there's the usual recovery from trip stuff.
But I promise, I will do it.
Fun pictures! One of these days I'm going to splurge on Dansko shoes!
WAY cute meme! Love your kitchen. I love mine, too, but being as I don't enjoy cooking, it's not my favorite room in the house unless someone else is doing the cooking. :D
Thanks for the tag - I think. I'll get to it as soon as I don't have everyone else's children taking my attention. By the way, my last name is spelled Humphreys...so the link isn't working. :) (It confuses everyone.)
I just love this meme. I would have said my kitchen for my favorite room, except I was not up for that much honesty about how badly it needed dejunked that day.
Hi Josi. We're home from our road trip and getting all the prizes ready for shipping. E-mail me your snail mail address. And thanks for playing.
Karlene & Megan
P.S. We still have a couple of contests going until the 19th. Come play some more. :)
Ha ha, that was so much more fun than a normal meme. I loved the self-portrait! And how cute is your new dog?
And, p.s., if you had a perfectly clean house in those pics I'd probably hate you right now. Bestselling author, great mom, general hottie pants ... nobody expects your house to be clean, too.
hi josi,
love the self portrait, he he. we could make that into a cartoon character.
i like the way your kitchen looks, too. i like the cabinets and the feel to it.
happy friday, kathleen
I look into the life of Josi- how cool is this!
Love your self porttrait! You always find a way to make me smile or laugh, girl. :)
Oh- good lcuk with kids in Costa Rica- you're brave. It's sound so fun, though!
That's the name of the shoes that I have been trying to remember. I saw a gal in the store with some cute shoes on, and asked her what they were called. She was raving about how comfortible they were...and now I know the answer! Thanks! Have fun in Costa Rica...can we say...Jealous? :)
You're a gem. This was great fun. And your self-portrait is taken in front of those newish shelves you blogged about a while back, isn't it? I love your kitchen too.
Looks about right to me! LOVED the self-portrait--best I've seen!
This was such a fun post! Loved it! Hey, I have a question for you. What is a good writing program for the computer?
I am Heidi's mom from a couple of years ago at the dance studio. Remember me?
I have started to write a book that I am serious about and I had heard from someone that Jer's, was a good one but it's for mac. Know any good ones for PC? If you want to email me, let me know or just comment on my bog.
Thanks and hope to talk to you soon. Melissa c.
I finally did the tag. Come on over and check it out.
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