But that's not the point of my post. My point today is the dreaded catilogue deluge that hits my mailbox this time every year. It truly makes me bonkers and I end up taking dozens of catilogues I have no interst in reading to the recycling bin. So, last month when I heard about Catilogue Choice I was thrilled. Catillogue choice is a company that basically sends cease and desist orders to catilogue companies on your behalf. And they do it for FREE. You go to their site, register and then start searching catilogue titles and marking your preference. It has spaces for you to enter customer numbers and source codes and things but if you're feeling lazy, like me, you just click on 'not available' and continue on. You can then 'view your choices' and see the catilogues you've entered and what the status is.
In just one month I have entered 41 catilogue titles into my catilogue choice account, requesting all of them to stop coming to my address. At least ten of those titles have sent me multiple catilogues in just 30 days. Can you imagine the kind of paper just my house is using up? It's really pathetic. Of the 41 I've entered, 17 are confirmed as having recieved my request and that they have canceled me on lists. 27 have not yet replied and the others are still processing (they are likely the ones I entered today). I'm a little annoyed that 27 of the companies haven't yet responded, and even more annoyed that several of them do not participate with catilogue choice, but nevertheless I'm doing what I can.

Here is me and the catilogues I've recieved since FRIDAY. Totally lame, huh?
So, if you don't use your catilogues and would like to cut down on those coming to your home, head on over to catilogue choice and sign up. Keep in mind it can take up to 10 weeks for the request to take effect, but 10 weeks will pass anyway.
have a great day.
You're funny....I happen to love catalogs but then again, I love QVC. Oh and the spelling of this word is just like it sounds, I think this word has you frazzled Josi!
Send 'em on up to me. I cut out pictures of the things I dream of owning and staple them into a little notebook that I flip through whenever I'm feeling optimistic.
It's sad, but it's cheaper than watching the shopping network.
Great tip. You can do a similar thing to reduce the flow of your junk mail at www.dmaconsumers.org/cgi/offmailinglist. It's an environmentally helpful thing to do, too.
wow-41 catolugessss (sp? ;) frazzled fits you!
Great post. I actually love to look through catalogs but then, I only get a few. None of them really for me. Mostly hunting and Cabelas. I do get that one that you have in front of your picture but only because I bought something once a long time ago! I can't even pronounce their name!
Anyway, good job taking things in your own hands!
By the way, which LUW do you belong to. Do you still go?
That's cool, I haven't heard of them before, so thanks! I like getting catalogs, but even for me, it can get to be too much. And there are some that I just don't use at all. I'll go check out the choice people and at least take myself off of the ones I know I don't use.
Thanks Josi!
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