I've made mention on this blog previously about how much I love the multi-vitamin Bio-35. I've tried many vitamins over the years (can you say Amway, Arbonne, Isagenix) but, for me, if I can't FEEL it, then it's not worth my time or my money. I've heard all the rhetoric about vitamins being full of fillers and not doing any good, and I beleived that until I tried Bio-Pro.
I've now taken it for about 4 years and definitely notice when I miss it for a few days. When I used it regularly I have more energy during the day and my mood stays more even. Along with other changes I've made in my lifestyle, I've managed to lower my cholesterol almost 50 points since I began taking it. My kids are better behaved, my laundry folds itself and my husband gives me nightly back rubs too! (okay, so not those last few, but still . . .)
So, for all these reasons, when I heard they were giving out two week samples--I thought of you; yes, you! If, like me, you think you ought to be able to FEEL the difference when you're taking all that good stuff into your body, and you've wondered if it's worth the money (about $18/month/person taking it) AND would like to give it a shot, here's your chance.
Click HERE for the link to get your free sample and/or to read more about it.
I already got mine! he he
I love it too. It's remembering to take it that gets me.
At night I'll think, "Why am I so tired?" then I remember, "Oh dang. Forgot my vitamins today!"
My husband actually keeps a bottle in his coat pocket so he can take one when ever he remembers!
I may have to try this! I haven't taken vitamins in years.
I'm going to have to go try this stuff. I love something that makes me feel good. Thanks for wanting to play along. The letter I have chosen for you is "E". Have fun!
I used to take Bio 35 when I was younger. Can't remember why I stopped. But I started it again about a month ago and it gives me bad stomach aches. Not dissing Bio 35 at all. Lots of things give me stomach aches. If I remember, I'll bring my bottle to your book signing in April and give it to you. Hate for it to go to waste.
I did finally find something I really like. Maybe I'll blog about it.
Thanks for the link! I will definitely get a sample.
You had me at "more energy".
Cool! I love FREE stuff! Thanks, girl!
OK this is too weird, I was actually going to email you today about this very thing! I thought it was you who had mentioned taking it, and as I've been listening to those ads I've been thinking about taking it, trying it. I was going to ask if you liked it - guess I have my answer!
Thanks so much for posting this Josi!
sweet. I am going to get some samples. I am dragging bad lately and could likely use a little better health
Thanks for the info! I just requested my free sample. I heard an advertisement for this a few months ago on the radio and was going to look into it. Hearing you talk so highly about it I am excited to try it.
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