The August 8, 2007 edition of exclusivelyLDS.com will feature my first article written . . . well, exclusively, for them. exclusivelyLDS.com a tri-weekly e-publication that will feature a wide variety of articles that are applicable to the lives we lead. My articles will be focusing on family, home, and self, and I am really excited for the opportunity. In addition to the great articles, it's also a great resource for LDS products and has some amazing giveaways. Right now they are giving away a trip to china, and everyone that subscribes is automatically included in the drawing.
If you're interested in receiving the newsletters, go to their homepage and subscribe today. You can also see my first article on how to make a summer memory at my exclusivelylds.com blog.
Now I feel guilty. We didn't do anything with the kids this summer. (In my defense the kids only had 8 weeks off. One of those was scout camp. One was EFY for our oldest son. One was surgery for our oldest son and then my husband or I were gone for the rest.)
But there's always fall break.
I really like the exclusivelyLDS website. Last time I was on there they'd interviewed one of our dearest friends. It was so fun to see that. And now you'll have articles posted. I'm excited for you!
Congratulations on this great opportunity. I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job. You seem to be soooo prolific.
Cool! I'll have to get right on that.
I signed up, I signed up! Thanks!
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