At the age of 87, and surrounded by his family, President James E. Faust has passed away.
I have no special connection to President Faust other than being touched by his humility and his power. I was especially impressed with his most recent conference address about the power of forgiveness. It really struck some cords with me and was one of those talks that spoke to some issues in my life.
I was sad this morning when I heard the news, his death is definitely a loss for all of us, but I imagined what his reunion must have been like on the other side. Can you even imagine? To have lived a life such as his, to have served with his whole heart for his whole life. Wow. It must have been an amazing moment.
The role of the twelve apostles is an incredible one to me. To give your whole life to the church, to give up retirement, to 'go where He wants you to go' and to serve every single day is a monumental commitment--one I can't imagine making (luckily, there is no fear of that for me, even if I had the right chromosomes). I marvel at those that do it, that can do it, that do it with so much joy and love.
As I said before, he will be missed.
Well said! I feel the same way. Thanks for the memoriam...
Glad you posted this, Josi. I feel the loss, too. What a magnificent man. So full of wisdom, and with that gentle touch of humor. A wonderful life indeed.
That last talk touched me as well. And I heard of so many others whose lives were touched and changed by the influence of it. How wonderful that he was able to reach out to so many in the twilight of his life. He'll be missed indeed.
I shall miss him greatly. He was one of my favorite apostles, next to Elder nelson and Elder Scott.
I'm sad I will miss his funeral on Tuesday. LDSBA you know.
hi josi: he is probably doing a dance right now.
beautiful post about a great honorable man.
~blessings to you, kathleen :)
I am praying for his family that they will find comfort at this time in their life. Thank goodness we have the gospel to guide us!
A wonderful man who touched so many lives.
Well written article.
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