Four books ago (how cool is it to say that!) I had my first Opening Night where I basically hosted a party to announce the release of my newest book. I'd heard of people doing things like that in their homes for friends and family, and Harry Potter parties were selling a bazzillion copies on their opening night, but I knew mine would be nothing like either of those. Instead, I sent out postcards (i.e. invitations) announcing my book and the date and time of my first signing for that book. I gathered items to give away in a drawing and baked to my little hearts content. It was hands down the best signing I'd ever had. I sold about 40 books, I got to chat with friends and family that came, I went to dinner with several out-of-towners that came up to celebrate with me. It was awesome.
I did it with the next two books as well and now it's time to have a party for Her Good Name. I sent out postcards a couple weeks ago, I've updated my website and I should have sent the info to my e-mail list weeks ago--but I didn't. So I'll be doing that shortly, but I thought I'd make a mention of it here as well--just in case you're in northern Utah and haven't heard about it. So, here's the specs:
When: Tomorrow night, Thursday September 11 5:30-7:00
Where: Reflections of Utah Bookstore, 47 S. Main Brigham City
There will be door prizes for the first 75 attendees (The Mint candy cups), refreshments (crab ragoon puffs, cookies, fresh fruit, veggie tray, fancy drink) and a Grand prize drawing (Reflections of Utah gift certificate, Idle Isle chocolates, The Mint candy, Vouchers for free entrance to the Utah Chocolate Show, and a few do-dads) for those that buy a copy that night, and there will be a discount on books sold that night. If you are on my snail mail list you would have recieved a postcard that entitles you to an even better discount.
For those of you out of town and interested in buying a copy of Her Good Name, please contact me. Deseret Book has updated their website and Her Good Name and Sheep's Clothing got lost in the shuffle--which makes it nearly impossible to find online. But if I can help you out, I'd love to do so.
Off we go . . .
I WISH I could be there. You are going to have a fabulous night even without me. This book was amazing!
Congratulations! I will try to be there. I have something going on that night but I'd love to squeeze you in.
How frustrating about the Deseret Book thing. I'd call them and make them fix it!
I sure adore you! I consider you my mentor or sorts. I also LOVE your books!
You rock! You rock! You so totally completely rock, and I'm so proud of you and excited for your new book!
I would love to be there! Good luck. I loved the book. It's terrific.
Wish I could come to your opening night but I can't drive in the dark. Also I have something scheduled. :(
But I will be buying your book. How do I get on your snail mail list? Is it too late?
Way to go, Josi! I'm happy for you. Have fun at the party!
Congratulations! How exciting for you! Too bad DB isn't helping out more with your marketing!
I hope your "righteous shindig" is awesome--you DO know how to through a party, this I know! Love you & I absolutely LOVED the book--LOVED it!
Just to clarify, Deseret Book is working hard to correct the web site--it was just bad luck that I was caught in the glitch, and they have been super helpful with my marketing, helping to cover some of the costs of the opening night, but it is my party, and I tend to go a bit overboard :-) But it's fun!
Bought the book, read the book, loved the book! I tell everyone who comes into Seagull looking for good fiction to buy it. Oh, and the cover is really cute, too. :)
I would come support you in a heartbeat! I am excited to read this book when I get my hands on a copy.
Good luck tonight! I hope it's a smashing success! The book is FABULOUS everyone!
Man, I wish I would have read this blog yesterday. I was in Brigham today getting some groceries, and I'm wanting to buy a new book.
It would have been fun to show up at the Opening Night.
I was there it was fabulous!! Thanks for writing. Who won the all expense paid whatever GRAND PRIZE.
I loved the book. I am begining to sound like a broken record about all your books but they are truly a good read. I always enjoy the feeling that they give.
You are a truly an amazing Woman.
Thanks again
OK...so call me slow on the uptake here, but I decided to see if there were books of yours in our library, and lo and behold, there are! How cool is that? I'm going to have to go and check one out. I hope your party went well. Sounds like fun.
I'm so sad I can't be there! And I'm going to be out of town for your Salt Lake signing to! Are you planning anymore? Because, thus far, I have every Josi Kilpack book signed by the author and I don't want to stop now.
I really wanted to be there! I am so sorry I didn't make it! I had to be in 3 places at once and it didn't work.
I do want to read your book though. I will. I'm sure it's fabulous!
I wish I could be there! But I will buy a copy and read it and spread the word! Congrats to you, darling!
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