Lemon Tart will be published by Deseret Book in the spring of 2009, to be followed a few months later by the second book in the series, English Trifle, which I'm currently working on, and which brings me to the second part of this post.

I'm looking for cooks, bakers, people who, like me, love getting lost in cream of tarter and finding themselves up to their elbows in chocolate ganache. With Lemon Tart, I baked ferociously and then with the help of a Deseret Book employee (and fabulous cook), figured out the final details for each recipe. This time, I want to perfect the recipes as I go, but I need the help of fellow goddesses (and gods) of the kitchen to make it work. I'm looking for half a dozen people that are willing to cook up a recipe to make sure it works in their kitchen. Any tricks, additions, step-saving practices, etc, will be welcome. Each recipe will be an experience of creation and I need bakers commited to the cause of culinary perfection. Some points to consider:
*Participants will be added to a private blog for Sadie's Test Kitchen
*A new recipe will be posted about every two weeks
*Recipes will be simple enough to be executed in a household kitchen, but will be fun enough to be new and different.
*Participants will agree to cook up each recipe at least twice.
*Test cooks will recieve two copies of each book they participate in and get mention as one of the Test Kitchen Bakers in the acknowledgements section of said book.
*Participants will sign a contract promising to keep the details of each recipe a secret until the book is released.
*If at any time being one of Sadie's bakers interferes with life as you know it, participants may quit at any time with no hard feelings from me.
If you're interested in joining Sadie's Test Kitchen, please reply as such to this blog or contact me at kilpack@gmail.com
Oooo, Josi, this sounds like such a great book series! I don't really like to cook, but I made a killer peach pie last week, and felt very gratified that pies were something I could make better than Bob!
I can hardly wait to read your new book!
Josi - I would love to cook for you! Please add me to the list of testers!
This sounds like fun
Did somebody say ganache??
I'm in if there's still room in the kitchen. :)
I am very excited about the new series! Just my cuppa!!
I NEED to get you on the show!
I'm so excited for the new books, Josi!
Oh this would be the bestest EVER!!! I'm a huge fan of your books (and Whit is one of my buddies too!). Please let me cook for you!
I love to bake. It is my writing diversion. Count me in.
(I reread "To Have or to Hold" this weekend, needed a pick me up.)
okay, I know that you know that I am not a master chef/baker-but if you need help I would dig in and bake--for you. You will probably get better offers so just know that I won't get hurt feelings if they would be better for you! If you need more help sign me up-hey I could even be a sub-alternate if needed! I'll fill in where ever you need help :)
Wohoooo! Dang, you guys are awesome. I have officially filled my kitchen! If anyone would like to be put on a list for an alternate, please let me know. Otherwise, my work here is done. Thanks again, everybody, I'm so dang excited!
Hi Josi,
we are shirley bahlmann friends and we are librarians and love to promote books and we love to cook!!! we would love to help you out. jackie my email is Loadawn@yahoo.com, and Anna, my email is afspongebob686@gmail.com.
This sounds like SO much fun! What a great idea! Good luck babe!
I would offer to help, but I am NOT a cook, or a baker or any good in the kitchen at all. I would like to change that but so far, for 38 years, I've had no luck there! lol
Awesome!!! I'm so excited for you Josi! What a fun story line, and I can't wait to read it!
I am so not the godess of the kitchen you want baking for you but I eagerly await the published results!
Good luck and have fun everyone!
Josi, I would love to be put on your alternate list!
I'd love to be alternate if you're still compiling a list. Sounds like great fun, Josi. I can't wait to read it!
What an awesome project! I'd say I'm sorry to have missed the chance, but I would've been doubtful anyway. Admittedly, if I can master a recipe anybody can, but it certainly isn't my forte.
Good luck!
What a great idea! I can't wait to read your book and try the recipes. These are so fun! Have you ever read any of Diane Mott Davidson culinary mysteries? She has some delectable recipes (not all the stories are squeaky clean though, so I'm glad that you're doing this!)
I love to cook!
I would love to be an alternate! I love baking and whipping up new creations in the kitchen. Also please put me down for any future projects. Thanks!
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